It was snowing last night when I went to bed but when I woke the snow had melted. As I headed down the hill to feed, I was greeted by a frosty morning....

The Japanese Maples by the house were adorned with a glittering edge....

Even the sheep had a rime to their fleeces.....

After I fed I hurried back up to the house, promising myself I would return to take more pics once the day had warmed up a bit....
I can't sneak up on anyone to get pics...."someone" usually gives it away that I'm on my way down to the barn.....

and it's usually these two.....

Around 2pm I headed back down, the sun had cleared the frost and I was able to take pics of some of my recent family additions.....

This ewe I named Aunt Bea...she is the matriarch of the small flock, and the only one that is unsure of humans. She will carefully take some grain from your hand but is ready to flee at any second. She is the one responsible for the plethora of bruises that cover me from head to toe when I do feet trimming.....

This is Maisie, she is the youngest....not sure where I came up with her name, but one day it was there and it stuck. :)

Here is Poppy, followed by her "sister" Baby. I got these two girls from the same person and they sure did a nice job of raising these girls.....

I love the blaze on Baby's face.....

The ram I got from KRK (Karen Kenagy) in OR. For some reason Opie has stuck for a name for him...he's kind of a doofus...the only unsettling thing about naming him that is him breeding Aunt Bea :O!

I decided to try llamas again...I DO like them, I just really wanted ones that tolerated if not like being handled. Noel is a retiree (like what I hope to be someday soon....) she was a showgirl and raised some nice babies, now she gets to just be spoiled and watch for varmints.

She loves butt skritches! :)

For a companion she has a youngster, Stella. Stella is not too sure about humans, but she is getting more comfortable every day (especially with Noels guidance)....

The latest additions are two doe Nigerians from Anna at Camanna in OR. Fancy has one leg of her championship and has produced some nice babies. She is bred to
Proctor Hill TO GoDaddy, who has some great Sugar Creek bloodlines (Showtunes!). I am crossing my fingers for two doelings as Anna gets a doeling back. The doeling is a well bred beauty in her own right, she is out of
Camanna CS Sweet Harmony, who has only been shown twice and took Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. Daddy is
Dill's D Lucky Image , who also has some wonderful bloodlines.....

Fancy is a REALLY sweet girl, and she has been a milker, I'm hoping she can teach me to be comfortable milking my girls....

I have been trying to come up with a name for this little doeling....I'd like to incorporate either the sires or dams name. She is such a little charmer I'm thinking Lucky Charm, call name Charm...what do you think?

Gypsy (Honey Goat Gypsy) was busy eating maple leaves so I thought I should take her pic.....

Finally done feeding and putting everyone away for the evening....I headed back up the hill to the house. I glanced up on the hill to see some "wolves" showing me how they kill their prey.....:)