Sunday, July 19, 2009

Of red skied sunsets and red eared sliders......

The latest goings on at Wrensong are the addition of 5 red eared slider turtles to the pond (plenty of polliwogs and baby goldfish to eat). I swear the bullfrogs in the pond are at least as big as the smaller sliders, though the guy I bought them from just laughed when I mentioned worrying about the bullfrogs eating them. He said they would probably choke....well, good luck little ones!

Our weather has been extremely hot and dry (at least for MY neck of the woods) in the high 80s to low 90s and their is rumors that it will reach triple digits by the end of the week. While I'm not a big fan of temps over 80 it has made for some beautiful sunsets..... Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!


brokenteepee said...

That sky is stunning.

Susan said...

Gorgeous sunset pics, Tammy! I live for sunsets and we have some very nice ones here, too.

Love those turtles! I've seen that kinds before but didn't know the name. Thanks! They look very happy.

I need orange said...

I love turtles......

Great sunsets, too!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love turtles and how fun that you have some in your pond now :)

thecrazysheeplady said...

Really nice - the turtles and the pics!

Karen said...

Thanks for the turtle pictures, what else is in the pond (besides bullfrogs)?

Kathy said...

I so miss turtles here. (sniff, sniff) We have a small frog that "peeps" on summer nights - there must be thousands of them in the wetlands. But no turtles. :(
The photos and the one on your header are stunning! Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Now I want a pond!

Eve said...

Did you name them Tammy??? Beautiful skys...I don't get to see the sunrise or set any more! I do miss that but have fun things to replace that view.

Patricia said...

When we were young we would catch sliders in my grandmother's lake...actually I think the best place to find them was in a feeder stream that was boggy.

We would then take them up to the yard. Then we would draw a big circle in the dirt, place the turtles in the center and cheer for our favorites...this was a race and who ever crossed the finish line "won". We would take them back down to the water, winners and losers alike.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Gorgeous sunsets! Cute sliders!

How're the little guys doing now?
