Thought I would take some pics of the latest additions to prove to that they were still alive and well! :) Also, a few established faces and a visitor, Mud Ranch Packard, who will be going to his new home this weekend with Mary Tonkin of Shadow Mountain Jacobs.
Here's some pics of Rechel and Bevin, as well as Bella who seemed to recognize some old friends.
You can tell which one is Rechel....she is the regal looking one that just exudes that "I've been a wild and woolly sheep and lived to tell the tale" stance. :) You almost expect her to throw back her head and howl.....or at least baa with authority.
Right here I should probably apologize for the VM in everyones wool. I'd like to blame it all on Rena, the llama....but I'm just as guilty as I'm carrying it out to the pasture.
Next is Mud Ranch Constance, my new four horn (nub? for some reason my four horn girls like to knock off their horns...) lilac ewe lamb, speaking of presence, this girl really has a way about her.
Some other lovely, more familiar faces, Stonehavens Ilse and Flora, Shadow Mountain Sasha, and Sheep Ridge (Call of the Wool) Aurora.....
They're all beautiful!
Hey great pics of the new kids! Glad to see Constance and Packard are doing well... I've been wondering. ;)
Yeah, Constance knocked off her really tall horn right before we left for AGM. She arrived with blood going down her face, frusterating to say the least. I wanted you have a pretty for HORNED ewe to arrive, not nubs.
Oh, and "tag you're it." If ya wanna participate, stop by my blog.
Absolutely gorgeous!
In that first picture it looks like your sheep are getting just a bit tired of the llama eating with his mouth open. He's dropping food all over their backs! :-)
You have some nice sheep there. Sorry your trip was so long, Washington is not known for their fast traffic flow. You seem to make an adventure out of it and enjoy yourself anyway. Makes for good blogging too. See you Saturday...
What nice sheep. Makes me want to have one. Oh wait a minute...I had my chance.
And I love your llama.
My, Rechel really IS keeping her wits close about her up there, isn't she? I hope she comes around for you. I'll bet if you sit in the pasture when everyone isn't "starving," Bevin will begin to feel hungry for affection. If that fails, lock 'em in a stall, corner and catch them, and SHOW them that you have magic fingers! Hee!
hehee. I was smiling when I saw that emu head peeking out of the fence. Too cute!
Your sheep are all so beautiful. Ya know, I have the darndest time keeping VM out of my sheep's wool, too. Both my llamas eat from a barrel feeder and the sheep and goats get underneath to pick up whatever falls. (sigh)
Sure will make skirting a tough job, eh?
Packard is quite the impressive fellow! Mud Ranch has some beautiful Jacobs for sure :)
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